Saturday, April 27, 2013

440. Cliff Joseph Macha

NB: Video Recordings by Cliff are published at the end of this Page. Please check it out!








Keep it up, Cliff!!
Our training system is a Competence-Based Education and Training – CBET.
It also provides Knowledge, Skills, Attitude and PerformanceSKAP.
To make sure these goals are met we record our students in several exercises and approaches during their Presentation Skills sessions and Class Discussions. These recordings are meant to be watched by the students themselves and trainers as well so as to identify some technical mistakes and rectify them.
The Slide Presentations are aimed at proving the Knowledge content of the Student and it has three stages – Swahili, English and any other Extra Language – German, French, Spanish, etc.
The Sitting Partners sessions are aimed at improving the Body Language, Voice, Eye Contact, Gestures, etc. of the speaker. You will find them very noisy and that is because the content is not a priority!
We are therefore sending you copies to share with you these exciting moments, and to let you enjoy the progress and evolution your young man or woman is passing through. We hope you will enjoy it as we did.
Below are various Recordings Cliff did in his efforts to polish his Presentation Skills:
1. Photo Commentaries for January 1 - 50 Slides.

2. Wildzone  Students Discussion Groups:
Termites: 1.

Termites: 2.
Termites: 3.
Sitting Partners:
1. Warning Colours.

2.  Nest Parasitism:
Incubation Shifts:

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